As a young girl living in Russia, I was always curious about the laws of the universe; I could feel the invisible force around me. I also felt different from others because of this awareness.


The more I was able to sit with myself and allow my curiosity to observe predictable patterns like that of the stars, the moon, and the rhythms of nature… the more solace and peace I had within.


When I moved to America as a young lady, I felt energized by the feeling of freedom and the promise of opportunity. I felt that this new home was a stage where I could express myself and share my unique gifts. There was no rulebook in America like there was in Russia. And, this God-given freedom coupled with deep love from Creator has propelled me in ways that I could have never have imagined.


As I honored the blooming awareness within me, my individuality, and my deep connection to Creator…my subconscious insecurities started gradually disappearing. When I listened to that still, sweet, strong voice inside, I started to expand as a leader, a teacher, and a healer. We all have the same access to Creator. We all have the ability to serve the world by acknowledging our awareness.


Now, I recognize more than ever how interconnected we all are and how everything that we do impacts everything else in the world. The current crisis shows us that. One event in China has impacted the globe. Therefore, we all have a personal responsibility not just to wash our hands but to cleanse our souls! Each of us is responsible for exploring our potential for greatness. It is imperative that we show up as conscious beings first for ourselves… and then for our children and loved ones. We cannot give others what we do not possess ourselves.


I encourage you to connect to Creator every day in a way that suits you. The unconditional love and immense power of Creator is available on demand. A good place to start is by closing your eyes and asking Creator to send unconditional love to yourself. Yes, you are literally asking Creator to send YOU his unconditional love. After feeling the love fill you up, ask Creator to send unconditional love to all life on this planet. When you do this, you acknowledge those that you love the most and every individual whom you’ve never even met before all over the globe! With this meditation/prayer you also recognize the trees, the air, the water and all of creation.


As we walk through the next few weeks together, let’s think about practicing awareness for ourselves and our planet.