The ThetaZones Technique is based on many of Jenya Steinberg’s influences and experiences. Jenya discovered two main modalities that complimented one another: The ThetaHealing Technique and The Zone Technique. Let’s take a closer look at these techniques:
The ThetaHealing Technique
Theta Healing is a non-invasive technique that accesses healing by bringing your mind into a meditative state to relearn damaging thoughts and reform your reality. It is founded on the idea that our subconscious mind holds emotions and behavior systems that manifests in our actions. By changing a negative way of thinking in the subconscious mind, theta waves help to heal emotional and spiritual problems, which could lead to resolving of physical conditions.
The work of Theta Healing is done while the brain is producing theta brain waves, one of the five frequencies at which the brain operates. A Theta wave is of a slower speed, and our brain is often in this condition just before sleeping, just after waking, or when we are in a deeply-relaxed state of mind.
The Zone Technique
Dr. Fleet was the first zone technique practitioner, and he created Zone Therapy in 1931. Dr. Fleet taught the following: “there are only six kinds of disturbances that can affect the human body. These are GLANDULAR, ELIMINATIVE, NERVOUS, DIGESTIVE, MUSCULAR, and CIRCULATORY. All diseased conditions, aches and pains, and other discomforts experienced by the body can be attributed to one or more of the above disturbances to the body’s six systems or Zones.”
The zone healing method operates on the belief that the body works like an electrical device. As such, each zone is regulated by a specific center of the brain (developed during the embryonic period ), with each center considered a “POSITIVE POLE.”
There are also “NEGATIVE POLES” which exist in certain areas of the spinal cord. So, if a disturbance exists, the brain’s centers can essentially be “shorted out,” causing them to malfunction.
Emotional, physical, or chemical stressors can disturb a zone and lead to a variety of diseases and discomforts.
When combined by an experienced energy healer, these two medical intuitive healing techniques have the ability to create a speedy and notable physical, emotional, and spiritual transformation.
During the healing session, you will work on replacing your toxic unconscious beliefs and concepts with concepts and ideas that promote healing. You will also work on balancing your body, mind, and spirit, creating physiological shifts that last a lifetime.
You will begin to feel and think differently. As you step into your Creator-given power, you will see immediate, measurable change in your mind and body.